1771 Penfield Road is located at the corner of Route 441 and Motts Lane. The safest way to access our driveway and parking is via Motts Lane.
Coming from the east side of Penfield (Wegmans, Route 250):
At the Penfield Four Corners, make a left onto Five Mile Line Road and a quick right just past the service station onto Motts Lane. Follow it to the end, bear right, and make a quick left onto our driveway.
Coming from the west side of Penfield/Rochester (Panorama Plaza area, I-490):
As you approach the Penfield Four Corners area, 1771 Penfield Road is on the right across from St. Joseph's Cemetery, just past Nultons Jewelers. Make a right just past our Penfield Hope sign onto Motts Lane and the first right into our driveway.